September 8, 2023- by Steven Greer (pro se litigator extraordinaire)
- 5th Cir decision on Missouri v Biden on government collusion with social media to censor opposing voices–
- “The district court’s judgment is AFFIRMED with respect to the White House, the Surgeon General, the CDC, and the FBI, and REVERSED as to all other officials. The preliminary injunction is VACATED except for prohibition number six, which is MODIFIED as set forth herein.–
- As explained in Part IV above, the district court erred in finding that the NIAID Officials, CISA Officials, and State Department Officials likely violated Plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights. So, we exclude those parties from the injunction.–
- We therefore VACATE prohibitions one, two, three, four, five, seven, eight, nine, and ten of the injunction.–
- That leaves provision six, which bars the officials from “threatening, pressuring, or coercing social-media companies in any manner to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce posted content of postings containing protected free speech.
- But, those terms could also capture otherwise legal speech. So, the injunction’s language must be further tailored to exclusively target illegal conduct and provide the officials with additional guidance or instruction on what behavior is prohibited.”
- The headline here is that a circuit court ruled that our federal government was violating the First Amendment during the pandemic, preventing life-saving information from getting out. This killed millions of people.
- Here is the full decision