Interview with Hélène Banoun about why mRNA “vaccines” should be regulated as gene therapies

July 12, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD

Update August 31, 2023-

New study tested humans who had received the COVID gene therapy “vaccines” and found that the man-made, or recombinant, spike protein was still being made by the host cells at least 6-months after injection. This means that the “vaccines” are gene therapies that permanently alter your genes.

Update June 7, 2024-

The 9th Cir. ruled today in Leslie’s case against the Los Angeles schools vaccine mandates. Here is the full brief.

The court ruled that the district court was wrong to use the outdated 1905 case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), which is based on the smallpox vaccine being mandated in Massachusetts, because the COVID “vaccines” are not actually vaccines, per se. The Pfizer and Moderna shots do not prevent disease like a true vaccine.

This is a very important statement and validates countless doctors who have been saying the same thing. This Jacobson case should be tossed into the trash can for any future litigation against vaccine mandates.

By the way, to this day, there are still governments mandating these ineffective and unsafe gene therapies that Pfizer and Moderna claims are vaccines.

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