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Category Archives: Oncology
Steven E. Greer MD: A discussion with Bill O’Reilly about radiation risks
April 1, 2011- A discussion with Bill O’Reilly about radiation risks from the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and the fallout hitting the U.S. and entire globe.
Posted in - Policy, Congress, NYU, Ohio State, Oncology
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The Who’s Teen Cancer Lounge at Sloan Kettering opens
March 18, 2016- by Steven E. Greer MD The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center held a press day for its new teen lounge
Posted in Memorial Sloan-Kettering, Oncology
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The Daltrey Townshend teenage and young adult cancer center at UCLA
May 4, 2014- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer More than 20 years ago, Roger Daltrey began forming special cancer units in the UK to treat patients in their teenage
Posted in - Opinion, Oncology, Rehab, UCLA
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Interview with Hélène Banoun about why mRNA “vaccines” should be regulated as gene therapies
July 12, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD
Posted in - Biotech, - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, Cardiology, CDC, Congress, FDA, Infectious disease, Internal Medicine, Oncology
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Exclusive: Why the COVID “mRNA” vaccines are actually DNA gene therapies that must be removed from the market
The transcript is found here May 19, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD
Meatless diets are a bad idea
April 29, 2024- by Steven E. Greer, MD
Book: The Pfizer/Moderna mRNA Vaccine (i.e., gene therapy) Toxicity
September 1, 2023- by Sucharit Bhakdi, MD et al
Did the COVID vaccines change the human genome?
May 11, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD I was the first person on any large media platform to warn that the COVID vaccines would be hard to sell because they worked by altering our genes. I said this on … Continue reading
Posted in - Biotech, - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, Cardiology, CDC, FDA, Infectious disease, Internal Medicine, Neurology, NIH, Oncology
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Daily aspirin once again proves to be of no use and also deadly
Update January 13, 2015- Yet another study was published highlighting the risks of daily aspirin.
Crystalloid “Balanced Lactated Ringer’s” IV solution is safer to the kidneys
March 1, 2018- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed Vanderbilt’s Todd Rice, MD about his NEJM papers that showed crystalloid, or
Posted in - NEJM, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, Emergency medicine, General surgery, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oncology, Orthopedic surgery, Pediatrics, Plastic surgery, Sports medicine, Trauma Surgery, Urology, Vanderbilt, Vascular Surgery
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Interview with Simon Townshend about the Daltrey/Townshend Teen Cancer Program
The Daltrey Townshend teenage and young adult cancer center at UCLA
Posted in Oncology, UCLA
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The new CDC guidelines for prescribing opioid pain pills
June 1, 2016- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD Pain pill prescriptions have quadrupled since the 1990’s as drug companies stepped up marketing and funded
TV Quack Dr. David Agus still likes daily aspirin despite heart guidelines dropping it
March 23, 2019- Updated April 14, 2020 by Steven Greer Nobody has
Posted in - Pharma, Cardiology, CDC, FDA, Oncology
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Pembrolizumab as Second-Line Therapy for Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma
February 27, 2017- interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed Joaquim Bellmunt, MD, PhD, the Director of the Bladder Cancer Center at Dana-Farber,
Paul Richardson, MD: Current Therapies for Multiple Myeloma
December 15, 2015- Interviewed by Steven Greer, MD Dr. Paul Richardson, Clinical Director of the Multiple Myeloma Center at Harvard’s Dana-Farber
Posted in - Biotech, - Pharma, Harvard, Oncology
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BRAF and MEK combos for melanoma
Update October 1, 2015- The FDA approved the use of two drugs, Opdivo and Yervoy, to treat metastatic melanoma, as we first discussed with Dr. Ribas last year.
Posted in - Biotech, - Pharma, Oncology, UCLA
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