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Category Archives: CMS
Harvard professors feel the impact in their pocketbooks of the ACA law that they helped pass
Update January 5, 2014- This is now being reported in the New York Times, two-months after our reporting.
Posted in - Opinion, CMS, Harvard
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The finances of TAVI: do prices have to come down?
November 8, 2013- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD William O’Neill, MD of Henry Ford discusses the finances of transapical aortic valve implantation (TAVI) and why the $30,000 pricetag for the devices should be closer to $5,000. He also discusses … Continue reading
Posted in - Medical Devices, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, CMS
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The clinical hurdles to prescribing CGM
October 31, 2014– Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD The portion of total Type 1 diabetes patients who use continuous glucose monitors (CGM)
A Bridge Too Far: Patient classifications for LVAD reimbursement
September 16, 2013- By Ashish Shah, MD, Cardiac transplant surgeon, The Johns Hopkins Medical Center Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) arose from the ashes of the total artificial heart era.
Posted in - Opinion, Cardiac surgery, CMS, Johns Hopkins
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What happens next with the ACA law?
May 20, 2013- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD
Posted in CMS, Congress
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Reasons for permanent slowdowns in healthcare spending growth
May 17, 2013- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD Since 2010,
Posted in CMS, Harvard
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RomneyCare ballooned healthcare costs in Massachusetts
June 24, 2012 CBS News interviewed the Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, about the cost increases
Posted in CMS, Congress
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Pork Is Clogging CMMI’s Arteries
June 20, 2012- in the WSJ– by Steven E. Greer, MD Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Director Richard Gilfillan’s reply (Letters, June 14) to my op-ed of June 5 says that my accusations “are baseless.” This was backed up … Continue reading
Posted in - Opinion, CMS
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Inside ObamaCare’s Grant-Making: CMMI
June 4, 2012- In the Wall Street Journal Op-Ed section– by Steven E. Greer Early this year, I was briefly involved with one of the Affordable Care Act’s bureaucracies called
Posted in - Opinion, - Policy, CMS
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Reasons to Abandon Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Targets
Interviewed by Steven Greer, MD Harlan Krumholz, MD, cardiologist from Yale, discusses his open letter in the journal Circulation
Posted in - Policy, Cardiology, CMS, FDA, NIH, Yale
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Benjamin Sommers, MD PhD: the challenges of expanding Medicaid
November 23, 2010- Interviewed by Steven Greer, MD Under the ACA health insurance reform laws, approximately 16 million new Medicaid patients
Posted in CMS, Harvard
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Will more Medicaid patients stress the system financially?
November 23, 2010- Interviewed by Steven Greer MD Under the ACA health insurance reform laws, approximately 16 million new Medicaid patients
Posted in - Opinion, CMS, Harvard
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Will healthcare spending really continue at its current pace?
December 9, 2009- Interviewed by Steven Greer, MD The consensus among government budget forecasters such as the CBO is that the current growth
Posted in CMS, Harvard
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Michael Burgess, MD: House plans for healthcare reform
May 19, 2009- Representative Michael Burgess, MD (R-TX) discusses the early stages of the House healthcare reform bill.
Posted in CMS, Congress
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