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Category Archives: CDC
How infectious and lethal is this Coronavirus COVID-19 compared to regular “flu”?
February 28, 2020- by Steven E. Greer, MD Just published online in the NEJM is a report with the death rates in China
Posted in - NEJM, CDC, Congress, FDA, Infectious disease, Internal Medicine, NIH, Pediatrics, Primary care medicine, Pulmonology
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Anthony Fauci unjustifiably caused a mass panic
March 13, 2020- by Steven E. Greer, MD With one sentence in response to a question from a congressional hearing, an obscure medical
Posted in - Policy, CDC, CMS, Congress, Infectious disease, Internal Medicine, NIH, Primary care medicine, Pulmonology
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The problem of erroneous diagnoses never falling off the chart
February 10, 2020- by Steven E. Greer, MD I discovered a whole new category of problems in the American healthcare system. It is the problem
60 Minutes creates another publicist-paid puff-piece for an unethical medical researcher
December 8, 2019- by Steven E. Greer, MD CBS’ 60 Minutes featured an extremely unethical PhD medical researcher at Harvard named George
Essay: Opioids coming through the Mexican border are a national security risk
Update January 8, 2019- President Trump quoted from this story tonight during his talk from the Ova
Posted in - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, CDC, Congress, FDA, NIH, Primary care medicine, Rehab
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A proposal to screen for mass shooters
August 5, 2019- by Steven E. Greer, MD President Trump today announced plans to have the Department of Justice create guidelines
Posted in - Opinion, - Policy, CDC, Congress, Psychology Psychiatry, Trauma Surgery
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Essay: The real villain in the New Zealand massacre is the video game industry
March 20, 2019- by Steven E. Greer, MD I normally protect my soul by not watching grotesque videos. I have never seen the films of people jumping
Effects of Exposure to Gun Violence in Movies on Children’s Interest in Real Guns
September 25, 2017- interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed author Brad Bushman, PhD of The Ohio State University about his JAMA paper
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson attempts to debate gun control with Annals of Internal Medicine Editor Christine Laine, MD
March 6, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD The puppets of the NRA on Fox News react predictably after each mass shooting in a school or
Is polio making a comeback?
Update November 13, 2018- Parents of children who died from this “polio-like” illness are accusing the
How pain pills almost killed my mother after elective knee surgery
May 21, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD My mother is in her 70’s and in good health except for debilitating knee arthritis. After considerable
Posted in - Opinion, - Policy, CDC, Congress, FDA, Orthopedic surgery, Plastic surgery
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CDC data on increasing suicide rates
August 2, 2018- interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed Alex E. Crosby, MD, MPH of the CDC, Branch Chief of Surveillance, Division
Posted in CDC, Emergency medicine, Neurology, Psychology Psychiatry, Rehab
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Does President Trump have “heart disease” based on his Coronary Calcium Score?
January 20, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD President Trump made news this week by having his doctor, Admiral Ronny Jackson, MD, answer
Posted in - NEJM, - Opinion, - Policy, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, CDC, Emory, Internal Medicine, Neurosurgery, NIH
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NBC begins alarming new series to promote the diagnosis of “mental illness” in children
December 11, 2017
Posted in - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, CDC, Congress, FDA, Neurology, Neurosurgery, NIH, Pediatrics, Primary care medicine, Psychology Psychiatry, Rehab
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CBS News Promotes More Pro-Coffee Junk Science
July 11, 2017- by Steven E. Greer, MD How does one become a successful TV medical doctor pundit? First, you have to leave your medical ethics
Posted in - Opinion, Cardiology, CDC, Congress, Cornell, FDA, Primary care medicine, Psychology Psychiatry
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Robert De Niro gives credibility to vaccine truthers
Update March 27, 2016- Less than 24-hours after our story, this film has been pulled from the lineup. It was our story that got the heads of
Posted in - Pharma, - Reviews, books, devices, CDC, FDA, NIH, Pediatrics, Primary care medicine
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The Dallas hospital administrators who botched Ebola were likely criminals, not just incompetent
October 19, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD The mainstream media has correctly reported on the numerous missteps made by the Dallas
Posted in - Opinion, CDC, Infectious disease
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How Boston medical centers prepare for unconventional weapon attacks
May 3, 2013- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD Paul Biddinger, MD, Medical Director for Emergency Preparedness, Massachusetts General
Posted in - Policy, Boston University, CDC, Congress, Emergency medicine, Harvard, Trauma Surgery
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Surgical masks do work to prevent the spread of flu
October 1, 2009- By Steven E. Greer, MD Are billions of people around the globe foolish for wearing facemasks to protect against the flu?
Posted in - Policy, CDC
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