Category Archives: – Pharma

Far-left NeverTrump propaganda has hijacked the peer-review process

June 3, 2020- by Steven E. Greer, MD We are living

Posted in - JAMA, - NEJM, - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, Emergency medicine, Infectious disease, Internal Medicine, Pulmonology | 3 Comments

The “surge in new Wuhan virus cases” is great news

June 26, 2020- by Steven E. Greer, MD I called it, once again. On June 9th, I wrote, “This unprecedented communist-party-like anarchy in

Posted in - Biotech, - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, Emergency medicine, Infectious disease, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Primary care medicine, Pulmonology | 2 Comments

TV Quack Dr. David Agus still likes daily aspirin despite heart guidelines dropping it

March 23, 2019- Updated April 14, 2020 by Steven Greer Nobody has

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Are there any medications to treat coronavirus?

(Also: How infectious and lethal is this Coronavirus COVID-19 compared to regular “flu”?) February 27, 2020- by Steven E. Greer, MD Gilead makes a not-yet-approved antiviral drug called remdisivir and it is being tested right

Posted in - Biotech, - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, CDC, Congress, FDA, Geriatrics, Infectious disease, Internal Medicine, NIH, Primary care medicine | 2 Comments

President Trump adopts plan by The Healthcare Channel to bring back drug manufacturing jobs

Update February 26, 2020 By Steven E Greer, MD It is happening for real. Politico reports that the Trump administration is planning on using various

Posted in - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, CMS, Congress, FDA | Leave a comment

The ISCHEMIA trial PI, Judith Hochman, makes egregiously unfounded statements on national TV

November 17, 2019- by Steven E. Greer, MD The big news from the 2019 American Heart Association meeting is the large trial known by the acronym ISCHEMIA.

Posted in - Opinion, - Pharma, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, Congress, FDA, Internal Medicine, NYU, VA | 1 Comment

60 Minutes creates another publicist-paid puff-piece for an unethical medical researcher

December 8, 2019- by Steven E. Greer, MD CBS’ 60 Minutes featured an extremely unethical PhD medical researcher at Harvard named George

Posted in - Biotech, - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, CDC, Congress, FDA, Genetics, NIH | Leave a comment

Essay: Opioids coming through the Mexican border are a national security risk

Update January 8, 2019- President Trump quoted from this story tonight during his talk from the Ova

Posted in - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, CDC, Congress, FDA, NIH, Primary care medicine, Rehab | Leave a comment

Pembrolizumab as Second-Line Therapy for Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma

February 27, 2017- interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed Joaquim Bellmunt, MD, PhD, the Director of the Bladder Cancer Center at Dana-Farber,

Posted in - Biotech, - NEJM, - Pharma, Harvard, Oncology | Leave a comment

Preventing HIV infection

July 28, 2014- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD Rajesh Tim Gandhi, MD of the Massachusetts General Hospital discusses the NEJM review paper he co-wrote

Posted in - Biotech, - NEJM, - Pharma, General surgery, Harvard, Infectious disease, Primary care medicine | Leave a comment

Eluxadoline (Viberzi) to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

January 20, 2016- Produced, Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed Anthony Lembo, MD of The Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital to discuss his

Posted in - NEJM, - Pharma, Gastroenterology and liver, Harvard | Leave a comment

Paul Richardson, MD: Current Therapies for Multiple Myeloma

December 15, 2015- Interviewed by Steven Greer, MD Dr. Paul Richardson, Clinical Director of the Multiple Myeloma Center at Harvard’s Dana-Farber

Posted in - Biotech, - Pharma, Harvard, Oncology | Leave a comment

Triple Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis

October 18, 2018- interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD

Posted in - Biotech, - NEJM, - Pharma, FDA, Genetics, Infectious disease, Internal Medicine, National Jewish Health, Pediatrics, Pulmonology | Leave a comment

BRAF and MEK combos for melanoma

Update October 1, 2015- The FDA approved the use of two drugs, Opdivo and Yervoy, to treat metastatic melanoma, as we first discussed with Dr.  Ribas last year.

Posted in - Biotech, - Pharma, Oncology, UCLA | Leave a comment

Steven E. Greer, MD, on CNBC discussing antidepressants

June 8, 2018– In the news recently are the suicide deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain.

Posted in - Pharma, FDA, Psychology Psychiatry | Leave a comment

“You’re telling me this now?” Why the news is suddenly critical of statins and antidepressants

Opinion: February 19, 2012  By Steven Greer, MD The CBS news show “60 Minutes” made waves with a story asserting that the antidepressants

Posted in - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, Congress, FDA | Leave a comment

Once again, daily aspirin is shown to be deadly rather than beneficial

September 16, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD The Healthcare Channel has been pounding the table for many years pushing back against the drug

Posted in - NEJM, - Pharma, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, Gastroenterology and liver, Geriatrics, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Oncology, Vascular Surgery | Leave a comment

Industry conflicts arise at PCORI threatening any real comparative effectiveness research

February 7, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD The Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute (PCORI) was created by the PPACA “ObamaCare” law in 2010.

Posted in - Medical Devices, - Opinion, - Pharma, CMS, Congress, Yale | Leave a comment

Review of immunotherapy and targeted therapy

June 17, 2016- interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed Siwen Hu-Lieskovan MD, PhD of UCLA, an expert with immunotherapies for melanoma, to go over the

Posted in - Biotech, - Pharma, Oncology, UCLA | Leave a comment

The Year in Review: 2018

December 29, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD The biggest stories this year related

Posted in - Biotech, - Generics, - Medical Devices, - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, - Reviews, books, devices, - The Weekly Summary | Leave a comment