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Category Archives: Psychology Psychiatry
Reliable gun violence statistics
February 12, 2013 By Steven E. Greer, MD In the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut massacre of 20 first graders and six brave adults,
Selective publication of positive trials on antidepressants
January 7, 2008- Interviewed and produced by Steven Greer, MD Erick Turner, MD, psychiatrist at Oregon Health and Science University and former FDA medical
Did antidepressants cause the Germanwings pilot to commit suicide and mass homicide?
March 30, 2015- Opinion by Steven E. Greer, MD The facts are now becoming known in the Germanwings Flight 9525. The co-pilot, 27-year-old Andreas Lubitz, was being
Posted in - Opinion, Psychology Psychiatry
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CDC data on increasing suicide rates
August 2, 2018- interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed Alex E. Crosby, MD, MPH of the CDC, Branch Chief of Surveillance, Division
Posted in CDC, Emergency medicine, Neurology, Psychology Psychiatry, Rehab
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Kick your smartphone app addiction in 2018
January 8, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD I was one of the very earliest CrackBerry addicts in 2000. That was a term given to people constantly
Is President Trump on amphetamines? (Yes, he is)
Update January 16, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD President Trump’s doctor confirms my diagnosis made in the story below, which was that the slurred
Posted in - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, FDA, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Primary care medicine, Rehab
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NBC begins alarming new series to promote the diagnosis of “mental illness” in children
December 11, 2017
Posted in - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, CDC, Congress, FDA, Neurology, Neurosurgery, NIH, Pediatrics, Primary care medicine, Psychology Psychiatry, Rehab
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Football head injuries down after rules change
Update January 20, 2015- The PBS news show Frontline has been tracking the number
Steve Bannon and the epidemic of Baby Boomers with mental illness
January 5, 2017- by Steven E. Greer, MD President Trump made news yesterday by issuing a statement firing back at Steve Bannon for allegations
Posted in - Opinion, - Pharma, - Policy, Geriatrics, Neurology, Psychology Psychiatry, Rehab
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Book review: “ADHD Does Not Exist” By Richard Saul, MD
March 20, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD Richard Saul, MD strived to be provocative with his new book ADHD Does Not Exist. He not only succeeded,
A disease called ‘childhood’
March 31, 2013- by Dr. Allen Frances Do 1 in 5 NYC preteens really suffer a mental woe? A psychiatry expert argues we’re overdiagnosing —
Posted in - Pharma, - Policy, Neurology, Pediatrics, Psychology Psychiatry
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How ADHD became such a prevalent condition
October 7, 2009- interviewed by Steven E. Greer Authors of “ADHD: medicating children”, Rick Mayes and Catherine Bagwell, discuss the history of ADHD
The 23andMe home genetics test kit controversy
December 19, 2013- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD
Posted in Columbia, FDA, Genetics, NIH, Oncology, Psychology Psychiatry
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I tied a PGA all-time record in putting
July 29, 2017- by Steven E. Greer, MD I have been too busy lately to hit balls or play a round of golf. But I have a little seven-foot indoor
CBS News Promotes More Pro-Coffee Junk Science
July 11, 2017- by Steven E. Greer, MD How does one become a successful TV medical doctor pundit? First, you have to leave your medical ethics
Posted in - Opinion, Cardiology, CDC, Congress, Cornell, FDA, Primary care medicine, Psychology Psychiatry
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CBS promotes outrageous pro-coffee research, again
Update May 8, 2016- HBO’s John Oliver focused on this problem of TV news misrepresenting the
You can now buy “medical marijuana” in New York
January 7, 2016- by Steven E. Greer, MD The medical marijuana dispensaries in New York are now open. However, you might be disappointed.
Posted in Congress, Psychology Psychiatry
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Stephen Colbert mocks the new “female viagra” flibanserin
September 20, 2015- Well, the real CBS news did an atrocious job covering this story, so the fake newsman
Thoughts on the golf swing August 18, 2015- by Steven E. Greer, MD I thought that Tiger Woods, in his prime, was playing the best golf that a human could possibly play.
Posted in - Opinion, Neurology, Psychology Psychiatry
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Tiger Woods’ career ended after he bulked up April 10, 2015- By Steven E. Greer, MD Ten years ago, Tiger Woods hit one of the most memorable shots in golf when he chipped in a birdie on
Posted in - Opinion, Orthopedic surgery, Rehab, Spine surgery, Sports medicine
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