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Category Archives: Cardiology
I can’t get no satisfaction (from TAVR)
Update April 6, 2019- An expert source told us that Mick Jagger did have genuine aortic stenosis.
Posted in - Medical Devices, - Opinion, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, FDA
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TV commercial for Boston Scientific’s Watchman A-fib device
April 23, 2019- by Steven E. Greer, MD
Posted in - Medical Devices, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, FDA
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Catheter approaches for mitral replacement
March 23, 2014- interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD With catheter based methods for replacing the aorta valve not being adopted as expected, the
Posted in - Medical Devices, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, Henry Ford
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Brigham and Women’s Hospital engages in bizarre PR campaign for daily aspirin
April 21, 2015- By Steven E. Greer, MD Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, part of the Harvard University network of hospitals,
Posted in - Policy, Cardiology, Harvard, Neurology, Oncology
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Once again, daily aspirin is shown to be deadly rather than beneficial
September 16, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD The Healthcare Channel has been pounding the table for many years pushing back against the drug
Insurance companies are not paying for Repatha and Praluent
Update November 2, 2018- Amgen slashed the annual cost of this drug to $6,000.
Does President Trump have “heart disease” based on his Coronary Calcium Score?
January 20, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD President Trump made news this week by having his doctor, Admiral Ronny Jackson, MD, answer
Posted in - NEJM, - Opinion, - Policy, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, CDC, Emory, Internal Medicine, Neurosurgery, NIH
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An emerging safety problem for TAVR patients
March 16, 2017- produced and interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed William O’Neill, MD, one of the first to implant a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) valve. The products have been approved by the FDA for several years, … Continue reading
Posted in - Medical Devices, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, FDA
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Told you so: the NEJM Mediterranean diet was junk science
June 13, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD Back in 2013, I pounded the
Posted in - NEJM, - Opinion, Cardiology, Primary care medicine
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The Lotus TAVR valve recall
March 16, 2017- produced and interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed William O’Neill, MD, one of the first to implant a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
Posted in - Medical Devices, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology, FDA
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Mechanical heart valves provide much lower mortality than tissue valves in young patients
November 8, 2017- by Steven E. Greer, MD Off the radar of Wall Street analysts is a new paper in the NEJM that shows mechanical heart valves, both aortic and mitral, impart much lower mortality than tissue valves in the … Continue reading
Posted in - Medical Devices, - NEJM, Cardiac surgery, Cardiology
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Did Hillary Clinton really faint from “dehydration” or does she have a chronic neurological condition?
September 12, 2016- by Steven E. Greer, MD Once again, the Hillary Clinton campaign is on defense after another health scare from their
Hormone replacement therapy is safe and effective after all
November 14, 2017- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed JoAnn Manson, MD, DrPH about her JAMA paper that followed the cohorts in
CT-scan screening for heart disease fails to show benefit
March 23, 2015- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD We interviewed the Principal Investigator of the PROMISE trial, Pamela Douglas, MD from Duke.
Posted in - NEJM, - Policy, Cardiology, CMS, Duke, Radiology
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A modern medical wonder finishes second in the U.S. Open golf tournament
June 15, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD 34-year-old Erik Compton finished tied for second in the United States Open golf tournament.
Posted in - Opinion, Cardiology, Transplant surgery
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Interview with the CEO of Neovasc, Alexei Marko
Posted in - Medical Devices, Cardiology, FDA
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CBS News Promotes More Pro-Coffee Junk Science
July 11, 2017- by Steven E. Greer, MD How does one become a successful TV medical doctor pundit? First, you have to leave your medical ethics
Posted in - Opinion, Cardiology, CDC, Congress, Cornell, FDA, Primary care medicine, Psychology Psychiatry
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10-year follow-up on the CREST carotid stenting trial
March 4, 2016- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD The 10-year follow-up data on the CREST carotid stenting vs. CEA trail were published
CBS promotes outrageous pro-coffee research, again
Update May 8, 2016- HBO’s John Oliver focused on this problem of TV news misrepresenting the